How to Upgrade?
To upgrade your Portal Of Truth NFT, you need to open the Portal of Truth by utilising 1 Elixir NFT and some Silk, which can be obtained by staking your P.O.T NFTs. There are two staking options available: the Silk contract, which allows you to earn Silk (ERC-20), and the Potion contract, which enables you to earn Potions such as Elixir (ERC-1155) and Immortal (ERC-1155).
Once you have gathered the necessary resources, you can open the Portal of Truth. During this process, the portal will give you the option to use an Immortal before your NFT passes through. Please note that all tokens used, including Silk, Elixir, and Immortal, will be burned.
There are three possible scenarios when attempting to upgrade your NFT through the Portal of Truth:
Deemed "Worthy" by the Portal of Truth (with or without an Immortal): If the Portal of Truth considers your NFT worthy, it will upgrade your NFT to the next level.
Deemed "Unworthy" (but an Immortal was used): If you are deemed unworthy by the Portal of Truth, but you have used an Immortal NFT, your NFT will neither be upgraded nor downgraded. It will remain at the same level as before passing through the Portal of Truth.
Deemed "Unworthy" (and no Immortal was used): If you are deemed unworthy by the Portal of Truth and no Immortal was used, your NFT will be downgraded back to Level 1.
It's important to strategise and gather the necessary resources to increase your chances of being deemed worthy by the Portal of Truth and successfully upgrading your Portal Of Truth NFT.
Last updated